“We have nothing but praise for Michele’s professional skills.”
– Mary Anne Clagett and Pegi Schlis, Co-Editors of Creative Forecasting

“Michele knows activity professionals and she works hard to make learning fun.”
Laurie Chivers, Hawaii Association of Activity Coordinators Education Co-chair

Participants from NCCAC Dementia Seminar 2013:

“Fabulous!!! Thanks so much! This was a great presentation! Wonderful, very inspiring.

Participants from Montana Health Association 2011 were impressed:

“Great ideas and take away tricks and tips.”

“Wonderful.  I highly recommend her.”

“Fantastic. Great speaker.”

“Excellent class and instructor.”

“She is very enthusiastic and professional.  She’s full of timely information and is a mentor to many people.”

Participants from the Quality Care Health Foundation/California Association of Health Facilities Summer Institute:

“Michele is so dedicated to culture change and enhancing patient lives. Thank you!

“Excellent  culture change strategies![/blockquote

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